Hire Noah as a Coach

As one coach has put it: "The only shortcut in life is coaching."

1-1 coaching with me provides you the opportunity to take the messy thoughts, feelings, burdens, and emotions you've been experiencing, and get on the fast-track to healing. You can get up ready to face your day, hopeful for life rather than fearing it. You can walk into a new week with less ruminations. You can live healthier, eat healthier, and take better care of yourself.

Doing 1-1 coaching with me will give you the opportunity to fast track your path to wholeness and hope.

Let’s compress timelines for you… and get you results faster!

In addition to having a bachelor's degree in pastoral ministry, I have completed a Trauma-Informed Care certification, and I'm currently being trained to be certified as a Christian Mental Health Coach.

Book Noah as a Speaker

Add passionate, dynamic value to your next event

If you have need of a high-energy, high-impact leader and speaker at your next gathering, conference, or event, I would be honored to add value to you and your people through my speaking and teaching.

"Noah is a dynamic, rapid-fire preacher able to skilfully weave stories of his personal experience as a husband and father, with the writings of great authors, theologians, Christian artists, and the Scriptures. He speaks in a manner that compels listeners of all ages to think deeply about the relevance of the Scriptures, not only for their own lives, but the implications for his life as well. God’s call on Noah to preach the Gospel is readily evident to anyone fortunate enough to experience one of his messages."

-- Brenda, church layleader, 2023

In other words...

I would love to be a partner with what God may be doing in your life, or in the lives of the people you serve. I would be grateful for the chance to add value to you or your event.

Contact below to inquire about coaching or speaking services. Would love to chat.

